Training and Consulting
Neurodiverse Inclusion Training offers professionals an understanding of how trauma effects people’s brains, especially children, who are extremely vulnerable to maladaptive neurobiological changes, when their capacity to cope is overwhelmed.
This training aims to:
Build Capacity in Professionals to manage children/young people with trauma, additional needs and challenging behaviours.
Increase understanding of the neurobiology of trauma and the nervous system needs of children/young people with additional needs.
Increase capacity & confidence to manage challenging behaviours.
Increase connective, attuned interactions between children/young people & professionals.
Establish an understanding of underlying causes/reasons for behaviour.
Assess professional well-being & learn strategies to increase sustainability and positive mental health.
Onsite, real time observations, coaching and recommendations to support professionals and teachers create safe, predicable and caring environments and relationships for people who have experienced trauma.
Clinical supervision for social workers or other professionals who are wanting critical reflective supervision.
Non-clinical support for professionals.
Provided to professionals who require specialist advice to support their work with a specific client or issue.
For more Information contact Bec at